Faculty of Islamic Education and Teacher Training (FITK)

Faculty of Islamic Education and Teacher Training is held to implement academic education (undergraduate education) and professional teacher education. It is based on Islamic values, innovative research, and community activities in the field of education.


To be excellent and outstanding Preservice Teacher-Education Institution (LPTK) In shaping the preservice teacher basis on integrating the knowledge and values of Islamic Moderation at the national level 2024.


1.Organizing academic and professional education on integrating excellent, outstanding, and ARIF (Adaptive, Responsif, Innovative, and Futuristic) knowledge and values of islamic moderation basis.

2.Organizing research, development , and publication of the education field on integrating excellent, outstanding, and ARIF (Adaptive, Responsif, Innovative, and Futuristic) knowledge and values of islamic moderation basis.

3. Organizing public service and empowerment in the education field on integrating excellent, outstanding, and ARIF (Adaptive, Responsif, Innovative, and Futuristic) knowledge and values of islamic moderation basis.

4.Organizing institutional governance to provide excellent service on the principles ARIF (Adaptive, Responsif, Innovative and Futuristic)


1. Accomplishing excellent and outstanding graduate through academic and professional education activity on integrating ARIF (Adaptive, Responsif, Innovative, and Futuristic) knowledge and values of islamic moderation basis.

2.Accomplishing excellent and outstanding products from lecturer research, development , and publication in islamic education field on integrating ARIF (Adaptive, Responsif, Innovative, and Futuristic) knowledge and values of islamic moderation basis.

3. Accomplishing excellent and outstanding public service and empowerment products in islamic education field  on integrating ARIF (Adaptive, Responsif, Innovative, and Futuristic) knowledge and values of islamic moderation basis.

4. Accomplishing excellent service through institutional governance on integrating ARIF (Adaptive, Responsif, Innovative, and Futuristic) knowledge and values of islamic moderation basis.


  1. Islamic Teaching Education

The Islamic teaching education aims at producing professional and competitive graduates. Besides, the graduates from this department are expected to have a noble character. In addition to designing, implementing, and evaluating Islamic learning, the graduates of Islamic education teaching are also likely to be role models for students and the community.


  1. Arabic Language Teaching

The Arabic language teaching program prepares teachers who master contemporary and adaptive Arabic learning materials and methods in using information technology.

  1. English Language Teaching

The Department of English Language Teaching aims to be excellent and leading in teaching English based on information and communication technology. In addition, this department also prepares prospective English Language Teaching graduates who can conduct competitive and innovative research and serve the community with a research-based approach to English language teaching and learning.

  1. Indonesian Language Teaching

The Indonesian language teaching program aims to produce Islamic, intelligent, and dignified students. The graduates are also expected to be capable of entrepreneurship in the field of Indonesian language and literature. Besides, this department is designed to produce research works that describe an understanding of scientific principles as the basis for problem-solving in language and language education Indonesian literature and produce quality works of community service in the field of Indonesian language and literature.

  1. Social Science Education

The aims of social science education are to realize a superior and leading study program in creating professional and Islamic social science teachers who can respond to socio-dynamics in the global era based on the development of local wisdom values.

  1. Mathematic Education

This program aims to produce teachers or mathematics education staff who have the depth and broad of knowledge in the field of mathematics and have high morality who are capable of meeting the challenges of life in society.

  1. Biology Education

Biology education organizes and develops biology teaching, producing Islamic, professional, and competitive educators in the global era. It is also organizing and developing independent educational research based on scientific development.

  1. Chemistry Education

Chemistry education produces quality graduates who can master the concepts of chemistry education and become the realization of chemistry education and teaching integrated with Islamic values. In addition, chemistry education conducts research in chemistry education that is beneficial for developing science, technology, and public welfare.

  1. Islamic Primary School Education

This department aims to be a superior and leading study program that produces graduates who are professional and competitive in an Islamic higher education environment.

  1. Islamic Early Childhood Education

Children are the assets of every nation. Therefore, education for early childhood is essential. So that qualified educators are needed to make it happen. The Islamic Early Childhood Education Study Program aims to prepare superior and competent early childhood education teachers.

  1. Islamic Education Management

The Department of Islamic Education Management was established to become a center for developing concepts, theories and practices of Islamic education management. This department is expected to produce superior professional education personnel who carry out educational administration tasks.

  1. Informatics


The Faculty of Ushuluddin and Adab (FUA)

The faculty of Ushuluddin and Adab is responsible for organizing the education process of Ushuluddin and Adab oriented towards strengthening Research and Critical Studies on the dynamics of civilization and changes in society at the regional, national and international levels. Besides, the faculty of Ushuluddin and Adab is developing a paradigm of transformative Islamic thought of Ushuluddin and Adab, which has a strong level of relevance to socio-religious dynamics in the globalization era.

The Faculty of  Ushuluddin and Adab has five main goals, which are creating graduates who have academic and professional abilities in the studies of Ushuluddin and Adab, creating graduates who have leadership character, critical thinkers, scienters, preachers and agents of change, develop the Islamic spirit to realize Islamic values that are progressive, transformative humanist, transcendent and peaceful and loving for humans and nature (rahmatan lil alamin), agents of change who are personable, have a vision for the future and have competent and superior ICT literacy, and spreading ideas and knowledge to society and improve people's quality of life.

  1. History of Islamic Culture

The Islamic Cultural History Study Program was established to develop quality education, learning, and research in Islamic cultural history. This study program has collaborated with the Archaeological Center of West Java and the Palaces in Cirebon to broaden the horizons of the history of Islamic culture.

  1. Aqidah and Islamic Philosophy

Aqidah and Islamic philosophy aims to create graduates of Aqidah and Islamic Philosophy with personality by prioritizing noble character and human values ​​as a form of spirituality as well as developing Islamic scientific methodologies that put forward morals and humanity based on information technology.

  1. Quran and Tafsir Studies

The vision of this department is to become a leading center for the study of the Qur'an and Tafsir with an integrative, active, and transformative paradigm following technological advances. This department also provides education in understanding and applying the study of the Qur'an and Tafsir.

  1. Hadith Studies

Hadith study program is a study program that focuses on studying hadith in all its complexities. Besides that, this study program seeks to produce graduates who are professional and able to compete globally.

  1. Arabic Literature

The department of Arabic Literature is:

  • Organizing superior and competitive Arabic learning;
  • Researching to develop scientific knowledge in the field of Arabic literature;
  • Disseminating experiences and innovative findings in the field of Arabic literature through community service activities;
  • Establishing cooperation in the form of partnerships with stakeholders to prepare graduates who are professionals in Arabic literature.
  1. Tasawuf and Psychotherapy

One of the objectives of holding this study program is to create intellectuals who are professional, able to combine Sufistic and psychological values, and are competent in finding solutions to psychological problems in individuals and social groups.



Faculty of Islamic Communication and Da’wah

  1. Communication and Islamic Broadcasting

The Islamic communication and broadcasting department provides communication science covered in a modern way and uses today's technology and media. Therefore, besides having competent lecturers, students studying in the Islamic broadcasting communications department are educated to have credibility and expertise.

  1. Islamic Community Development

This major is designed to produce students who are competent in community development and solving social problems. This major will equip students with participatory methods to involve citizens and organizations in building strong and prosperous local communities. In addition, the major will also provide students with the skills to initiate and organize community empowerment programs so that they can become agents of change in society.

  1. Islamic Counseling and Guidance

Islamic counseling and guidance study program organizes education and learning with related knowledge as a process of preparing professional Islamic counselors.

  1. Sociology of Religion

This study program aims to implement religious sociology education that integrates social and religious sciences to produce scholars of religious sociology who have noble morals, responsibility, and independence.



The Faculty of Sharia

  1. Islamic Family Law

The aims of this study are:

  • Realizing superior and professional graduates in implementing and developing Islamic family law.
  • Creating innovative and superior research in the field of Islamic family law.
  • Implementing service through the application of Islamic family law in the context of empowerment, enlightenment, and community independence.
  • Realizing a superior and leading institution in the implementation of the three pillars of Higher Education.
  1. Islamic Economics Law

The aims of this study are:

  • Producing graduates who have good character and are highly intellectual.
  • Producing graduates who have the ability to conduct research and studies on Islamic economic law products and are able to solve sharia economic disputes as well as pioneers and drivers of sharia economics.
  • Improving the Quality of Institutional Governance through Processes and Productivity of Outputs and Outcomes for Improving National and International Recognition.
  • Realizing Professional, Humanist, and Dignified Study Programs.
  1. Islamic Constitutional Law

The department of Islamic constitutional law guides students to become scholars who have high spirituality, good character, deep knowledge, and professionals in the field of Islamic constitutional law.

  1. Science of Celestial Orbs

The major of science of celestial orbs supports the students to master the concepts, theories, and method of Falak tradition and implement them in the professional field. This program is made to fulfill the need of professional practitioners in Falak along with the development of science and astronomy.


Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business

The Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business offers four study programs. It supports the students to master entrepreneurial skills with science and technology (technopreneur).

  1. Islamic Tourism

The sharia tourism study program is held to produce graduates who have proficiency, competitiveness, and noble character. Another aim of conducting this study program is also a center for empowerment, coaching, and mentoring of sharia tourism for stakeholders.

  1. Sharia Banking

Sharia banking aims to produce professional, competitive, and Islamic banking graduates with Islamic, Indonesian and global perspectives. In addition, this study program seeks to develop, produce and disseminate Islamic economics and banking knowledge beneficial to the community.

  1. Islamic Economics

The rapid development of Islamic economics studies encourages IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, through the Faculty of Sharia and Islamic Economics, to establish the Department of Islamic Economics to form graduates who can compete with graduates of Islamic Economics on a global scale.

  1. Islamic Accountancy

The learning process in the Islamic Accounting Study Program is supported by adequate facilities and infrastructure. The Islamic Accounting Study Program is made for students who need guidance and consultation in the learning process. The learning process of the Student Learning Center, which emphasizes the competence of graduates in the field of Islamic accounting, is able to increase student creativity in learning activities.