12 Islamic World Thinkers Discuss Gender Dynamics at the UIN Siber Syekh Nurjati Cirebon International Forum

UIN Siber Syekh NurjatiThe International Office & Partnership (IOP) of UIN Siber Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, also known as the Cyber Islamic University (CIU), successfully held an International Focus Group Discussion (IFGD) titled "Gender Dynamics in the Islamic World". The event featured experts from five Asian countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Pakistan on Wednesday (October 16, 2024). The IFGD brought together 12 international speakers, all of whom are specialists in their respective fields, offering various insights on gender dynamics in the context of the Islamic world.

This IFGD, which is part of UIN Siber Syekh Nurjati Cirebon's ongoing efforts to strengthen international academic collaboration, aimed to explore gender relations, the role of women, and the status of women in Islamic societies. With growing global attention on gender equality issues, the event highlighted how these issues intersect with Islamic teachings, local traditions, and modern challenges. Each participating country presented its unique social and cultural framework, enabling a rich comparison and fostering cross-cultural dialogue.

The event was officially opened by the Head of the International Office & Partnership, Lala Bumela Sudimantara, Ph.D., and the main session was moderated by Mamay Mujahid, M.Hum. The event was also attended by several top leaders of UIN SSC, including the Head of the Quality Assurance Agency/Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu (LPM), Dr. Ayus Ahmad Yusuf, M.Si., the Head of the Research and Community Service/Lembaga Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LP2M), Dr. Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir, M.A., the Chair of the UINSSC Senate, Prof. Dr. Farihin, the Dean of the Faculty of Education/Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan (FITK), Dr. Saifudin, M.Ag., the Dean of the Faculty of Ushuludin Adab (FUA), Dr. H. Anwar Sanusi, M.Ag., the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Communication & Da’wah/Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam (FDKI), Dr. Siti Fatimah, M.Hum., and several heads of units (the Head of the Language Center/Kepala Pusat Bahasa, the Head of the Halal Assurance Center/Kepala Pusat Lembaga Penjaminan Halal, the Head of the Career Guidance Center/Kepala Pusat Bimbingan Karir, the Head of Community Service/Kepala Pusat Pengabdian), as well as Prof. Ety Nurhayati, M.Si., the initiator of the establishment of the Gender Studies Center/Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak (PSGA) at UIN SSC. The event was also attended by 11 international students and interns at the International Office (Global Engagement Team).

The 12 keynote speakers at the event included Tengku Dina Surani binti Tengku Zaman (Malaysia), Rozlani binti Mohd Rosli (Malaysia), Hajira Arshad Qureshi (Pakistan), Bushra Ali (Pakistan), Rubina Akram Khan (Pakistan), Rubab Zainab (Pakistan), Fitra Jehwoh (Thailand), Thanarin Pornpongphanarut (Thailand), Asama Mungkornchai (Thailand), Lao Yasmin Busran (Philippines), Jurma Aming Tikmasan (Philippines), and Omayyah Tamano Amer-Tarathingan (Philippines).

Among the keynote speakers were academics and thought leaders, including Professor Lao Yasmin Busran (Philippines), who discussed the relationship between gender and religious leadership in Southeast Asia, and Dr. Rubina Akram Khan (Pakistan), who provided an intriguing analysis of gender reform movements in conservative and post-colonial Islamic societies. One of the key discussions in this forum was the importance of grounding the Qur'an and Hadith within a gender perspective according to Islamic teachings. The emphasis on this concept aimed to ensure that the insights offered were in harmony with the principles of tauhid in Islam.

Thus, the concept of gender equality will not only foster the emergence of a new civilization that is just for all but also contribute to improving the quality of society as a whole. The basic principle is that if women are honored and given the privilege of lifelong learning, the entire society will benefit. Contributions from Thailand and the Philippines also highlighted the intersection of Islam and local traditions, particularly in regions where Islam is a minority religion, adding a rich layer of nuance to the discussion.


Indonesia, as the host country, was represented by several prominent speakers, including Dr. Rozaini binti Mohd Rosli (Malaysia), who discussed the evolution of women's roles in Malaysia, focusing on the balance between religious adherence and progressive gender advocacy. Additionally, Dr. Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir, MA from UIN Siber Syekh Nurjati opened the discussion by emphasizing the importance of a multiperspective dialogue in understanding how gender issues are addressed within various Islamic frameworks.

This international dialogue was not just an academic exchange but also a platform for sharing practical experiences and policy recommendations. The discussions covered a historical perspective on gender roles in Islam to contemporary challenges, such as the impact of digital media on gender perceptions and the rise of women-led movements in the Islamic world. This conversation also touched on how local and global forces reshape gender norms, particularly within the framework of Islamic law.

The event concluded with a roundtable discussion that encouraged audience interaction, where participants from various countries posed insightful questions, further enriching the exchange of ideas. The significance of this IFGD lies in its ability to bridge academic theory with real-world applications, making it relevant for both policymakers and religious leaders. The event highlighted not only the commonalities but also the local complexities of gender issues in the Islamic world.

As part of its ongoing commitment, UIN Siber Syekh Nurjati Cirebon plans to release a comprehensive report summarizing the results of this IFGD. This report is expected to serve as an academic reference that can support future research and policy development. The event marks an important milestone in strengthening international collaboration and demonstrates the university's response to pressing global issues from an Islamic perspective. By emphasizing the values of diversity and inclusivity, UIN Siber Syekh Nurjati Cirebon is determined to continue fostering constructive dialogue to create a fairer and more prosperous society for all.