Lala Bumela, Ph.D., will serve as a keynote speaker at the symposium at Charles Darwin University

IAIN Cirebon – One of the English Education lecturers at the Faculty of Islamic Education and Teaching IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, and also the Director of the International Office, Lala Bumela, Ph.D., has been invited as one of the keynote speakers at the symposium hosted by Charles Darwin University, Australia. Charles Darwin University will hold a symposium with the theme "Perception, motivation, and learning: Research and practice benefits of bringing educational, psychological, and biological methodologies together" on March 21 and 22, 2024.

This event is expected to provide a platform for educators and researchers to gain deep insights into various aspects related to student motivation, their engagement in the learning process, and how perception influences their learning methods.

By involving experts from various leading institutions such as Professor Dr. Andrew Martin from UNSW, Dr. Ania Lian from CDU, Professor Dr. Andrew Lian, SUT, HCMOU, University of Canberra, Lala Bumela Sudimantara, Ph.D., and Dr. Luqman Baehaqi, the symposium promises a rich discussion of ideas and recent discoveries in this field.

The symposium will cover a range of compelling topics, from motivational theories and traditional approaches to innovative methods such as real-time neuro-psychological analysis. Participants will also explore the role of multisensory techniques in literacy education, integrating insights from the field of neuroscience. It is expected that the discussions and findings from this event will provide new understandings on practical ways to enhance student motivation and learning in educational settings.

The primary goal of the symposium is to disseminate the latest advancements and discoveries in educational research and practice to stakeholders. Participants are also expected to formulate new research pathways indicated by recent studies, to guide future initiatives and developments in education. Further information about this event, including details on accessing the online broadcast, can be found on the official website of Charles Darwin University.